RisingArtists123, the sum is greater than the parts
Why I started this site
As I began trying to figure out where I wanted to go to college and how to incorporate my artist growth/path/journey I wish I had a place to go to help me learn more easily about available options
Helpful links to share your gift
Submittable: a free marketplace for thousands of opportunities, creative calls, grants, fellowships, scholarships, residencies, contests, and more.
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards: https://www.artandwriting.org/awards/
Celebrating Art: https://www.celebratingart.com/students
Google Competition: https://doodles.google.com/d4g/
NASA Langley Student Art Contest: https://artcontest.larc.nasa.gov/about/
College related Links
Art Program Rankings: https://www.collegefactual.com/majors/visual-and-performing-arts/fine-and-studio-arts/rankings/top-ranked/
Pre-college Art Programs: https://www.bestcollegereviews.org/features/pre-college-summer-arts-programs-high-school-students/
College Art Association of America, Inc.: https://www.collegeart.org/
Art Career Project: https://theartcareerproject.com/schools/
Best Art Schools: https://www.usnews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-fine-arts-schools/fine-arts-rankings
University of Michigan: STAMPS School of Art & Design https://stamps.umich.edu/
Pratt: https://www.pratt.edu/art/
Rising Artists suggested follows